מיקרופון PHILIPS SMP3700 SpeechMike Premium Touch Precision



מקט יצרן



Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch


System requirements for Philips SpeechControl software
Processor: Intel dual core or equivalent AMD processor, 1 GHz or faster processor
RAM: 2 GB (32 bit)/4 GB (64 bit)
Hard-disk space: 30 MB for SpeechControl software, 4.5 GB for Microsoft .NET Framework
Operating system: Windows 11, Windows 10 (64 bit), macOS 12/11 (Mac functionality may be limited)
Graphics: DirectX-compliant graphics card with hardware acceleration recommended
Sound: Windows-compatible sound device
Free USB port
Supported speech recognition software: Nuance Dragon Professional 12.5/13/14/15 Individual/Group, Nuance Dragon Legal 12.5/13/14/15, Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2/3, Nuance Dragon SDK Client Edition 14, M*Modal Fluency Direct 8.0 and above, Fusion Narrate powered by nVoq

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